16861100.jpgAre you in the process of building your corporate identity? It might seem simple, but sometimes there’s more to branding than meets the eye. For instance, you have to place yourself in the shoes of your clients and customers. What sort of image would they be attracted to? With the following six blogs, you’ll finally be able to create and master your corporate identity.

20 Actionable Tips to Build a Winning Visual Brand Identity How do you stand apart from your competitors visually? How do you develop a brand identity that tells a consistent, coherent story without saying a word? Why is visual branding important? There’s a lot of confusing, misleading information about branding. So, let’s break it down. What is Brand Identity? Your brand identity is defined by how your audience perceives you. A long-standing analogy is to view your brand as a person. Let’s take it one step further and view your brand as a friend to your audience. And, instead of seeing your audience as a nameless, faceless crowd, focus on the one, ideal person that you’re targeting, or befriending, with your brand.

10 Tips for Improving Your Corporate Identity The impact of your corporate identity on the success of your business should not be underestimated. It has a direct influence on the recognition of your brand, your reputation and people’s brand preference. It’s a good idea to see how your corporate identity compares with others and think about whether you can improve it in any way.

3 Essential Tips for Creating a Lasting Brand Identity Developing a new brand or renovating a stale brand is an important part of a successful business. Branding determines how others will perceive your company and reflect your businesses’ goals and values. A brand should be lasting and have an impact, so you should put time and effort into developing something great that will last for decades. There are three critical components to consider when branding or re-branding your company: putting in the proper research, developing goals the right goals & designing the perfect logo.

10 Must Know Tips for Creating Winning Visual Brand Identities On Friday I attended the 2012 Brand New Conference, a one-day event focusing on the practice of corporate and brand identity. The event went smoothly again (hat tip to Armin Vit for organizing) and the speakers shared some great tips and stories on a large variety of topics. The most notable talk of the day for me, was by Simon Manchipp, the CD & co-founder of Someone. Simon’s talk was built around ten things to consider when creating a new visual brand identity.

Tips for Successful Branding: Creating a Company Image that Sells Your brand makes a company impression for you when you are not present. It creates a unique visual identity that distinguishes you from your competition. With an effective company image, every letter you send and every business card you hand out serves as a mini promotion for your company, convincing people to take you seriously, and enhancing all of your marketing efforts in one unforgettable impression.

11 Tips for Building a World-Class Brand Identity By examining the new visual identities launched by banks and credit unions, The Financial Brand reveals 11 proven brand-building principles.

Upholding Consistent Corporate Identify



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