Buyers are still buying—they are just buying differently. A large part of this difference is that a buying decision is emotionally based and no longer logically based. They are also buying by brand recognition for a strong brand develops emotions of trust and perceived quality. Thus, the concept of emotional branding has become part of…

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Marketing successfully is a process that takes time, research, and lots of work. Though, you can make marketing easier by knowing what to do. Thus, the secret to digital media marketing is simply content creation. Without remarkable content, your marketing efforts would be in vain since no one would get to know that you exist.…

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Website content has changed a lot over the past few years, particularly because of Search Enginge Optimization improvements. Now, content is more improved and designed with the ideal customer in mind. As a result, we are sharing the top 15 blogs that all website content writers should follow to learn and advance their content.

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If you’ve been marketing for a while, then you probably know that using images in your social media and email posts is more effective at converting leads than not using images in your posts. Graphic design for email thus is important. Still, there’s so much more than an image when creating graphics for your marketing promotions.…

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In today’s online world, web content writers have more on their hands. They need to work around search engine rankings and social media posts with character limits, all the while creating informative, helpful blogs and posts. Gone are the days where all it took was a URL, fancy Flash graphics, and an expensive advertising campaign to…

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First of all, lets review the use of a mascot logo and mascot logo design. A mascot logo is important for the creation of your brand identity. It is what people associate you with. Think of the Pillsbury guy and you’ll understand exactly what we mean. A mascot can be an animal, person, or thing adopted…

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Web content writers have a big task at hand, especially when creating websites for today’s businesses. Content writers not only have to create a website from scratch, they have to do it in a way that is easy to browse through and which attracts people to come back time and time again. However, a couple of…

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