Brand Jaunt

Brand Jaunt has been developed and is conducted as a workshop with the goals of educating the team about branding and reaching a certain level of consensus around what the new brand definition should be. During the workshop it is TCDG’s responsibility to gather enough information to create a clear positioning statement, a list of brand values/traits, the brand promise, and the brand story. During Brand Jaunt we also start to develop ideas around taglines, logo design, colors, and imagery. Brand Jaunt consists of four segments:

  • Persona Build
  • Brand Creation
  • Corporate Identity
  • Brand Plan

Persona Build

The first step for Brand development is Persona Build. Buyer personas are representations of your ideal customers. They are based on real data about customer demographics and behavior, along with educated speculation about their personal histories, motivations, and concerns.
Persona Build consists of facilitating and developing:

  • Position Matrix
  • Demographics
  • Psychographics

Brand Creation

This part of Brand Jaunt focuses on the four main parts of a Brand. This is based on the fact that your logo is not your brand.

Brand Position

The Brand Position is the part of the brand that describes what an organization does and for whom, what its unique value is and how a customer benefits from working with the organization or its product/service, and what key differentiation it has from its competition. Once defined the brand position, is created in 25, 50, and 100 word versions.

Brand Promise

The Brand Promise is the single most important thing that the organization promises to deliver to its customers—EVERY time. To come up with the brand promise, consider what customers, employees, and partners should expect from every interaction with the organization. Every business decision should be weighed against this promise to be sure that a)it fully reflects the promise, or b) at the very least it does not contradict the promise.

Brand Personality

Brand Traits illustrate what the organization wants its brand to be known for. Think about specific personality traits it wants prospects, clients, employees, and partners to use to describe the organization.

Brand Story

The Brand Story illustrates the organization's history, along with how the history adds value and credibility to the brand. It also usually includes a summary of the products or services.

Corporate Identity

  • Tag Line
  • Color Schema
  • Typography
  • Visual Elements
  • Nomenclature
  • Styles Manual

Brand Plan

The Brand Plan is the area that defines what the client is going to do to build the brand to be what they envision it to be. It develops actions or processes they plan to put in place that will support each area of the Brand Plan and stick to them religiously.The three areas addressed are:

Perceived Quality

Perceived quality is the heart of what clients are buying. It directly links to the clients’ reason to buy and price sensitivity. Whether the brand is a price brand or a prestige brand, perceived quality is often one of the key differentiators.

Brand Loyalty

Brand loyalty is the measure of commitment a client has to the brand. It is much less expensive to retain customers than to attract new ones, so companies must find a balance in their branding efforts that build awareness and loyalty in parallel

Brand Awareness

Brand awareness measures client perception and attitude towards a brand. Studies show that when a purchasing decision is made, familiar brands will have the edge.

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