Brand Philosophy
The goal of the TCDG Studio's branding process is to build brand equity for your company/organization. Brand equity is the set of assets linked to your brand's name, and the symbols that add to the value of your services/products. Brand equity is an intangible asset that creates a true company equity value many multiples greater than tangible assets or revenue streams. Like other successful companies, brand equity is the most valuable asset we own and yet it does not live on your balance sheet.
It is what people see and understand about your company. In many ways, brand equity is similar to a person's image, reputation, and what they stand for. It is built by supporting your brand strategy over time, with your employees working together as ambassadors of the brand. TCDG Studios has a long-term commitment and willingness to invest in understanding customer behavior, perceptions, and needs, as well as market trends, pressures, and attitudes. Our various branding services are essential tools to maintain and grow your brand equity.
Brand Jaunt
TCDG Studios has developed Brand Jaunt as a solution answer to this requirement. Brand Jaunt begins with a workshop with the goals of educating the team about branding and reaching a certain level of consensus around what the new brand definition should be and developing a better understanding of your targeted consumers buying profile (persona). During the workshop TCDG’s trained staff of facilitators, branding and marketing experts, and creative designers gather information to create a clear positioning statement, a list of brand values/traits, the brand promise, and the brand story. During Brand Jaunt we also start to develop ideas around taglines, logo design, colors, and imagery. All of these various brand elements are integrated into the Brand Plan.
Brand Audit and Survey
The Law of Brand Surveys: Because their perception is YOUR reality...
Whether you’re defining a new brand, revitalizing a stale brand, or simply expanding an existing brand, there is an important ingredient to success—Customer Perception. The TCDG Studios’ Brand Audit and Survey helps establish the REAL reasons your consumers buy from you - how they REALLY perceive your brand - what is most RELEVANT about your offer.
The two most common mistakes to brand strategy are: 1) defining and promoting a brand identity you can’t, or don’t, deliver on or 2) defining and promoting a brand you deliver on, but isn’t RELEVANT. There is no better way to measure brand perception than the TCDG Studios’ Brand Perception Audit and Survey.
Bring Your Story to Life