Florida Insurance College
Florida Insurance College (FIC) - premier authority and educator of designation, pre-licensing, continuing education, and "pass prep" training for the insurance industry utilizing a variety of quality course delivery options.
FIC serves as a web based portal for locating convenient, timely, and state certified programs and courses.
Florida Insurance College offers State Certified courses. Thier commitment to quality includes providing the best for both course content and instructional delivery.
FIC addresses their students' needs beyond "just completing" a state required course. They facilitate beginning-to-end support with licensed concierge-level customer service.
Courses can be taken 24/7/365 - students start and stop course materials at their own pace. Designation courses which "waive" the state exam for Customer Reps and Claim Adjusters are also offered.
- Logo design
- Web site
- e-Books
- e-Blasts
- Direct mail campaigns
- Social Media advertising campaigns
- PPC management
- HandBooks/Manuals
- Folders
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