One of the interesting facts you discover when studying the “inners” of Google is the “whys” and “hows” of their making changes to their search engine algorithms. They say that up to 500 changes can be made in a given year. In 2013, major google changes were made which affects writing websites: Hummingbird, Panda, and…

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If you build it, they will come. However, if you really want to attract visitors (and potential customers) to your business’s website, you need to do more than simply build it: you need to optimize it. That’s a major step when you’re doing internet marketing Orlando. Search engine optimization, or SEO, is the key to…

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A website is a requirement today. It is your major channel for building your brand. It has also become a major part of marketing and sales for successful organizations. As websites become not niceties but necessities, many misunderstandings have developed not just for the IT person, the graphic designer, web content writers, marketers, and salesperson,…

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Recently, we’ve published three blogs that discuss the Orlando web design must haves. The first blog was about getting found online, the second blog was about design and usability, and the third blog was about content. In today’s blog, we are going to help you with the final Orlando web design must haves so that…

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So often we consider SEO content and only SEO considersations. Yes, it is important to drive visitors to your website, but if all they do is visit, where is the ROI (Return on Investment) for your site? Just visiting does not permit you to proactively market them with follow-up content, emails, etc. It may be…

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Web design and writing websites’ content is only about 30 years old with the first website being in August of 1981. So much has happened since then. Not only in terms of technology but also marketing and a general impact on most of our lives. More importantly, the internet has created thousands of jobs that…

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Website content has changed a lot over the past few years, particularly because of Search Enginge Optimization improvements. Now, content is more improved and designed with the ideal customer in mind. As a result, we are sharing the top 15 blogs that all website content writers should follow to learn and advance their content.

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We’ve previously published a blog called 3 Must Haves for a Great Orlando Web Design discussing the best ways to get found online. In this blog, we are going to discuss how to keep people from leaving your website once they find you. Now that you’re generating some good traffic by getting found online, your…

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In today’s online world, web content writers have more on their hands. They need to work around search engine rankings and social media posts with character limits, all the while creating informative, helpful blogs and posts. Gone are the days where all it took was a URL, fancy Flash graphics, and an expensive advertising campaign to…

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Web content writers have a big task at hand, especially when creating websites for today’s businesses. Content writers not only have to create a website from scratch, they have to do it in a way that is easy to browse through and which attracts people to come back time and time again. However, a couple of…

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