Digital Presentations can take many forms. Power Point has been a popular tool used since the early days of computers to help individuals and groups provide image-rich and visually appealing presentations. In recent years, technology tools have become available online to make presentations even more engaging, interactive, or reachable to a diverse audience. The incorporation of these tools to better convey material and/or to have more flexibility and time-independence with content are characteristics of digital presentations. Below are several blogs to help you better understand and prepare digital presentations.


Thing 5: Digital Storytelling & Presentation Tools  – This blog provides a tutorial on Digital Storytelling and Presentation Tools. This lesson will present a selection of tools to help tell stories through photos, voice, text, video and music. Use these tools to share personal stories, create more effective presentations, present assignments, creative storytelling, and so much more.

Wake up! PowerPoint alternatives and tips to caffeinate your presentations  – Let’s be honest: Everyone has used (and likely abused) PowerPoint before. Microsoft’s presentation program is more than 20 years old, and although Redmond works very hard at keeping one of its primary honeypots sweet, PowerPoint has become so ubiquitous that it’s hard to stand out by using it.

5 Must-Have Tools for a Killer Presentation  – A presentation is one of the best ways to convey ideas, especially for visual learners and thinkers. While many of us grew up creating class presentations with Microsoft heavyweight PowerPoint, sometimes you want to illustrate your ideas with a little more flair.

Cool Tools for Schools – This blog provides a list (with links) of tools available to create digital presentations for the classroom both for classroom teachers and corporate trainers.

10 free presentation tools to help you deliver that perfect pitch  – A great presentation can help you win pitches and influence people. Here are 10 free tools to help you.

Digital Presentations – Always on Communication  – Digital Presentations can take many forms. PowerPoint has been a popular tool used since the early days of computers to help individuals and groups provide image-rich and visually appealing presentations. Today, technology tools have become available online to make presentations even more engaging, interactive, or reachable to a diverse audience.

Giving Engaging Digital Presentations – Do you feel that your slide presentation is going over the head of your students? Does your class spend more time copying down your slides than paying attention to you? When done well, slide-based presentations can be an important part of how students perceive and retain information. However, slides can also distract, detract, and intrude on the importance of the speaker’s message. Fear not, giving engaging presentation can be a matter of considering some basic guidelines that have been suggested, fine-tuned, and used in academic and corporate settings. Here are a few tips to consider when trying to convey course material in a clear and attention-grabbing way.

Digital Presentation: The Next New Skill For Business Leaders  – The balance between face-to-face and remote communication is changing. Over the last few years a number of factors have contributed towards a growing trend for employees to conduct business via digital channels. Now the challenge is to ensure that any form of virtual communication remains as effective as the in-person alternative, and that the all-important art of face-to-face communication and charisma can be transferred to the digital world.

Presentation Tools That Go Beyond “Next Slide Please”  – Today, users have unprecedented access to data at their fingertips and powerful applications to process them in real time. We use this data for everything from understanding how to set our home thermostats to monitoring NASA satellites in outer space, and we need ways to analyze, visualize, share, and explore data to improve our decision making and way of life. This new need is driving the development of communication and presentation tools, posing a fundamental challenge to the hegemony of PowerPoint.

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