audience2In today’s world of digital platforms and the world wide web, effective digital presentations are important to all applications and ages. This range expands young child learning to adult skills development. It spans formal training to how-to and help services. This blog contains several blogs that address this key topic of creating effective digital presentations.

4 Tips Delivering an Effective Digital Presentation  – Whether you are persuading colleagues, selling a client or energizing a team, the power of your presentation makes the difference between success and failure. And some of the newest instruments in your toolbox are digital, whether they are a PowerPoint visual on a large screen in front of one hundred people or a slideshow on your iPad during a one-to-one meeting with a client. The four stages below should be noted whenever you’re creating a digital presentation, whether it’s to the media, potential investors or members of your own team. They are your keys to a more meaningful, powerful presentation.

The Ten Commandments of Effective Presentations – excerpts from National Conference for State Legislatures “Tips for Making Effective PowerPoint Presentations”

Included in this overview:

  • Tips for Making Effective PowerPoint Presentations
  • 7 Deadly Sins of PowerPoint Presentations
  • Design Tips for Making Effective PowerPoint Presentations

The 10 Most Common Presentation Mistakes – What presentation mistakes are sure-fire ways to put your audience to sleep or send them running for the doors? Even the best presentation can be destroyed by a bad presenter — from the person who mumbles, to the one who talks too fast, to the one who just wasn’t prepared. But perhaps nothing is as irritating as the person who misuses and abuses presentation software. Read on to learn about the 10 most common presentation mistakes.

10 Tips for Creating Successful Business Presentations – Business is all about selling – a product, topic or concept. When making a business presentation, the most important thing is to know your material. If you do not know everything about what you are selling, it is not likely that the audience will be buying. Keep your audience focused and interested. Making effective business presentations takes practice, but with a few tips up your sleeve, you are ready to take on the challenge.


How to Make Effective ‘Digital’ Presentations – It’s a Digital world now and everything that is not digital is an old, traditional, hackneyed ritual. Effective digital visuals, audios fascinate the audience and this increases the sales pitch and so the possibility of prospective business alliances and associations instantly. Digital presentations are also effective tools to enhance inter-organizational processes and procedures. Digital presentations help a great deal to motivate team members and persuade peers.

Making Better PowerPoint Presentations – We have all experienced the pain of a bad PowerPoint presentation. And even though we promise ourselves never to make the same mistakes, we can still fall prey to common design pitfalls.  The good news is that your PowerPoint presentation doesn’t have to be ordinary. By keeping in mind a few guidelines, your classroom presentations can stand above the crowd!

The Key to Creating an Effective Presentation – Planning is probably the most important step in creating a successful presentation of any kind. Planning helps you decide on the content and the order in which the information will be presented.

10 slide design tips for producing powerful and effective presentations – You can’t build a compelling presentation that communicates your message if your slides are cluttered, text-heavy, or ugly. These tips will help you develop presentations that are professional and inviting.


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