bird1Twitter has become an effective way for your marketing to provide effective social media promotion ideas. Twitter is also referred to as a “micro-blogging” service, meaning you can post short updates limited to 140 characters or fewer. Why? Originally, this character limitation was implemented to make Twitter compatible with mobile phones and text messaging. Now, it’s a useful characteristic that allows users to receive rapid fire, concise information from many, many people. Like other social media channels, Twitter changes and improves, adding, deleting and modifying functions and formats. This blog provides a list of blogs that summarizes  the changes that Twitter has implemented since the beginning of the 2015 calendar year. These will have an effect on how you use Twitter

8 Major changes Twitter will make in 2015 – Twitter at its Analyst day revealed major changes the platform will make to acquire more users and to make Twitter more user friendly to its users. These changes deal with content consumption on the platform. Twitter said, “Ultimately, we believe there is something for everyone at any time on Twitter, and we want to make finding your niche simple from the start.”birdinStar

Twitter: What to expect in 2015  – Twitter plans to introduce a curated timeline for new users to reduce the friction of having to find people to follow when first signing up on the social network — and perhaps for existing users who just haven’t found the most engaging conversations to follow. In that way, Twitter hopes to improve user onboarding and retention.

To aid in the social media promotion ideas function, the social network will also begin highlighting tweets users may have missed while away, introduce native video editing and sharing features and more breaking news alerts, all of which may further boost user engagement and, certainly in the case of videos, pave the way for stronger advertising options.

What the recent Twitter changes mean for your marketing strategy – Twitter’s partnership with Google will allow tweets to show up in search results as soon as they are posted giving real-time marketing a new meaning. This means that people do not necessarily need to follow a brand to get notified of a promotion, for example. Exposure for brands that engage on Twitter is also expected to grow bigger especially during events such as the Super Bowl, the World Cup or the Oscars that are traditionally big opportunities for real-time marketing. 


Privacy updates: some revisions to our policies  – We (Twitter) revised our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, effective as of 18 May 2015. Please read the updated policies and FAQs below explaining the revisions. By using our services after 18 May 2015, you agree to the revisions.

7 Big recent Twitter changes you should know about to optimize your tweeting – Looking at the biggest Social Media statistics, it’s clear that Twitter, with 215m active users also needs to constantly change to keep up with the tide. As Twitter continues to grow, the company is making big changes more often and they’re easy to miss. In case you didn’t catch them, I collected six of the most recent Twitter changes to get you up to speed.

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